Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 10:32 PM

w341 forever<3

our best dressed-s(:

lets believe and trust in God no matter what happens(:
Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Prayer Request: For Gabriel , Ariel and Joelynn
hi guys lets pray for Gabriel , Ariel and Joelynn ya..they are in their mist of N'lvl now so pray pray pray.... Pls drop your blessings to them on our tag box ya....Cheers!!!:)
Let us hold fast our confession of HOPE and not waver for He who promise is FAITHFUL.

=================N'lvl Exam Time Table========================
29thSeptember 2008 (Monday)
-Math Paper 1
-Basic Science(Ariel only)

2October 2008 (Thursday)

3October 2008(Friday)
-Math Paper2

6October 2008(Monday)
-CPA(Ariel only)

7October 2008(Tuesday)

8October 2008(Wednesday)
-Office administration(Ariel only)
==============Specially For Gabriel========================
24October 2008(For Gabriel)!!!
-Math paper 1
30October 2008(For Gabriel)!!!
-Math paper2

lets believe and trust in God no matter what happens(:
Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 8:35 PM
Mid-Autumn Festival Weekend at Botanic Gardens
There is this story about the moon-cake. during the Yuan dynasty (A.D. 1280-1368) China was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung dynasty (A.D. 960-1280) were unhappy at submitting to the foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without being discovered. The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Backed into each moon caked was a message with the outline of the attack. On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attached and overthrew the government. Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this legend and was called the Moon Cake.

Tadah...! Some general knowledge of the come-abouts of the Moon Cake.
And on this 14th of September we're celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival together as a Z-O-N-E!
It's high time we met up with our fellow CGs all the way at Expo. :)

The Happenings:
- Photo-taking Competition
- Latern-Making Competition
- Pomelo/Watermelon Eating Competition (to be confirmed)
- Captain's Ball
- Soccer
- Board Games (let's bring some interesting games to play!)
- Frisbee
- Tang Yuan Eating (this is not a competition.)

So let's all be set for a great time this Sunday! And let's invite all our friends to join us for an awesome weekend!

lets believe and trust in God no matter what happens(: