Friday, December 28, 2007 @ 7:34 PM
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :D
dinner and dance photos are up.
i think we all had a really good time, yea? (:
photos are in a collage, cos it will take really long to upload all of them one by one.
i took a lot of photos what. ahahaha :D
but the originals are still with me. if you guys want it, just give me a text on MSN and it'll send it over to you! (:
the night of glitz and glamour! :D
and CONGRATS! to :
chin kiat (: for being the most tranformed member! (:
francis (: for being the most servanthood member! (:
yi ling (: for being the most outreaching member! (:
ariel (: for being the never giving up member! (:
jiayoux w341 (:
let's all continue to shine and breakthrough from being a bonding cell group to an outreaching cell group! :D
continue to run with faith and the fire of evangelism! (:
love, KEZIA (: