Tuesday, August 28, 2007 @ 10:20 PM
HELLO.. just now i was praying and just pouring out all my troubles and problems to GOD and i really felt comforted.
GOD oso gave me a verse in matthew 5:4 "Blessed are those
who mourn for they shall be comforted." i really thanked GOD for that:)
so if you have any problems that you are afraid to share with anyone,
you can alwaes look to GOD for help and you will be comforted!:)GOODNITES!
@ 4:49 PM
God's Timing!
Recently God have been speaking to me about His timing... very often sometimes we try to help God to fulfill the promises He has for us... and subconciously put a time frame for the miracles to happen... on sunday, when Pastor Kong said... "Sometimes we do not recieve something... it is simply because... either it is not the right timing yet or God has got something even better instored for u..." it kinda got into me... ya so why do we worry... in fact there is nothing we should worry about... cause everything is in the hands of God and according to His time... again when i was talking to one of my friend on sunday... we were just sharing about how is everything in our life.. and i was saying that if my the time i leave... blablabla... then my friend told me... why do i limit God to the time i leave singapore? then this kinda hit me... sometimes we subconciously set a limit to wat God can do in our life.. maybe some of u having Os or As.. u maybe thinking if my prelims still dun do well... blablabla... or the rest of u... just finish ur CA2... thinking... if this time i didn't do well... blablabla... then have we set a limit to what God can do in our life? is He not the one who controls the time? is He not the sovereign God? has He not being faithful to us, even in times when we are not faithful to Him? then yesterday i was just studying the bible... earlier yesterday my mum spoke to me about the timing of God again... so i asked God... give me a revelation of Your timing... head knowledge we all have but wat i need is the revelation by the Holy Spirit... for indeed it is not by my own strength or might that i go thru life.. but by the Holy Spirit.. so as i study i asked the lord to reveal to me His timing... i studied from Genesis 1 all the way Genesis 21... and God really spoke to me... Abraham... when God spoke to him about having Issac, he was alreaady 80 plus... but the promise was only fulfilled when he was 100... what happened when they tried to help God? the result of you trying to help God will result ina consequence that will always come against the will of God for your life... ok let me explain... when they tried to help God, thinking that the child will come through the maid Hagar... the child of Hagar, Ishmael became a nation that is constantly coming against Issac... Time is in His hands... Worry not for He knows the plans He have for you... "I know the thoughts i think towards you, thoughts of peace and not of evil. to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE" says the Lord =Zhen =)
Thursday, August 23, 2007 @ 8:03 PM
people who ROCK W341
people who rockED W341 they are GIVE a round of applause 2 the LORD! JESUS,HOLY SPIRIT AND GOD! AND E MEMBERS PEOPLE WHO HAVE MADE THE CG TO WHAT IT IS TODAY 1]XIU ZHEN 2]DARYL 3]ZHENG YUAN 4]CHERYL PEOPLE THAT WILL RISE THIS CG 2 A WHOLE NEW LEVEL TODAY AND BE HISTORY MAKERS!!!! 1]ARABELLE 2]WESLEY 3]JE YUN 3]JOSELIN 4]YILING 5]ARIEL 6]MARCUS 7]MAGDELENE 8]SERENA 9]KEZIA 10]JOEL 11]and...RACHEL!!! Although there might b changes in e CG but we will still rise up and make the CG grow 2 another level!! Labels: people whowill be histoey makers
Tuesday, August 21, 2007 @ 11:40 AM
W341 Rulez!
Yoz... okok.. are u all ready? hahaa... i am going to post our photos!! here you all go..    
@ 1:36 PM
hellos! : D yesterday's servie was good i must say! (: it's about seizing the moment! and not missing the opportunity. we need to take advantage of everyday. we need to live life to our fullest, instead of worrying about our past, or our future! we need to have faith in God, for he is the true and living God. no matter in what circumstances, we put our trust in him. faith is now! faith is right now! we've got to take a step of faith and believe in Him, for we can do all things through christ who strenghtens us. some of us here might be facing some problems or another, but God will make a way. even if our goals seems so far and even impossible, we've gotta believe that it will happen. faith comes by hearing and hearing? the word of God! so put our trust in him! as i was having my quiet time sometime ago, God touched me and gave me a verse, matthew 16:25 : "if you try to keep your life to yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me you will find true life. " today,are you willing to give up all for God, are you willing to suffer for him? are you willing to lay down your life for Him? we will have to go through the pain, the suffering, the humitation, the discrimination, and many more. when we go through these things, we must always put our trust in God, have faith in him! for he will be the light of our tunnel, guiding us all the way through. he will always be there for us. : D matthew 5:10-11: " God blesses those who are persecuted because they live for God, for the Kingdom is theirs. God blesses you when you are mocked and persecuted and lied about because yo are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted too. " we are the salt and light of the world! we're like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket! instead , put on a stand and let it shine for all! let us use our gifts to shine for God like the stars above! : DDDD let us move in our gifts! i believe that W341 will have a breakthrough, that members will start rising up, and they will be engaged in the world! God is moving now! he is working in ways we cannot see. he is moving in this cell group, right at this instance! there will be growth, there will be salvation! For God is truely the living God! -MAG :DDD
Thursday, August 16, 2007 @ 2:48 PM
God of My Forever
"God of my youth i remember Your call of my life to be Yours Your love has seen me thru all my days i stand here by Your grace On this altar i return my life Tell of the story i have with u my Lord I want the world to know God of my forever and forever i'm with You My life is saved with a price Your sacrifice redeem my soul God of my forever and forever i will sing My greatest honor will always be To serve my Lord and King God of my all i surrender My heart finds its rest in Your world Praises will not be enough to show How my love for You has grown Nothing matters when You're here with me In the end just to hear You say "well done" Bowing before Your throne" Let's all put God, the God of our forever... that even in days of darkness or when we are going through valleys... we'll remember that God has been the God of our youths... that He has never leave us nor forsake us... and for His goodness and faithfulness... no praises will ever ever EVER be enough... and indeed... nothing else matters... as long as we are with Him... and my greatest GREATEST honor will ALWAYS be... to be able to serve my LORD and KING! -Xiuzhen
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 @ 10:08 PM
hellos! : D my first time posting here. : D ahaha. nowadays, im getting more and more stressed, especially this week, with all the tests, projects and stuff. it's really bursting in the inside. with so much pressure, so little amount of time. argh. it's just, well, stressful. sighs. it's really really tiring. sometimes, i really feel like giving up. But i know that God is always there, always there for me. and same applies to all of us too! Jesus had died on the cross to cleanse our souls, he died for our sins, and that showed how much he loves us. whenever we are feeling down, or stressed, just remember, God will always be there. He is strength in us, he empowers us! He is our daddy God, our best friend, who loves us so much that he is willing to sacrifice his only son to die for us. therefore, we will lift up his name, and give praise to him. God wants our praise to be sincere. : D and no matter in which situation, whether in good times or bad time, we will always thank God for what he's done for us. and miracles will happen. (: i believe that God will help me to overcome these problems, i have faith in him. : D for He is the true and living God! hallelujah! : D -MAG : DDD
@ 7:50 PM
i guess almost all of u missed the sunday service... wow... the word is really good... like how daniel and the friends although they enaged the culture of the Babylonians.. they did not FEED on what they eat... which symbolizes their values, their belief, sense of purpose... God anointed them with great attitudes that made them recognized by the culture and yet their spirituality was not affected.. If we want to enage our culture, our campus... but yet not be affected, then it takes SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE! Spiritual Discipline to: Pray Read the Bible Fasting Thanksgiving - praising God Repentence Forgivness Confession - which is to be alone with God. to set time to say, "God i am alone with You now and all i want to do is to speak with You and spend time with You"
3 John 2 PROSPER, be in HEALTH, even as YOUR SOUL PROSPER! we are all called to upward mobility (success) but in the midst of moving upwards, if we do not guard our soul... our soul will begin to decease and though we may still succeed for awhile... it is dangerous.. just like when i branch is being removed from the tree... at the beginning it will still continue to grow and the bear fruit because it is surviving on the the "life" remaining in itself... but soon it will die off...
therefore we got to constantly build on our spiritual discipline to ensure tat our souls prospers... it is therefore our RESPONSIBILITY to keep our SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE and God WILL hold us accountable for it!
let's all be diigent in building our spiritual disciplines... and help one another to grow also k... u all can blog ur comments and etc also.. =)
@ 7:17 PM
Chasing Donkeys!
Cryz... sick for the 3rd day le... thank God now alot better le... think tmr can go back to office!!! ARR jus can't wait to go back... staying at home making me feel even more sick... had BBD on Sunday night... it was super... the word was the best part of the whole dinner... where Rev. Dr. AR Bernard shared on "chasing donkeys"... God is actively involved in everything we do! 1Samuel 9:1-3 When God called Samuel to anoint Saul as King.. Saul was busy "chasing donkeys" 1 Samuel 10:12 When we are out "chasing donkeys", God has set us up to be at a certain place and a certain time where we will be just right at where God wants us to be, which is the point of interception, known as OPPORTUNITY God has designed a plan specifically for me! it is about obedience that brings us step by step into our purpose, our opportunity. Opportunity are not luck or by chance... Opportunity is often missed by people because they think that it is just luck. Opportunity is DIVINE DESTINY! Reality is not about luck or chance but to be "chasing donkeys" Everyday we all face with different opportunity to be "chasing donkeys" but what makes the differenct is a PREPARED MIND. Positive thinkers = there are no problems. just opportunities!
Monday, August 13, 2007 @ 10:33 PM
thanks for everything.
 XIUZHEN! :D  me and mag :D hey you guys (: i really enjoyed the fellowship we had after service on saturday! let us all continue to grow and bond together alrights? (: LIKE A BIG FAMILY! :D Rev A.R. Bernard really inspired me during the weekend services, especially during the service on sunday morning. Spiritual Discipline is indeed something that we all need as we go into the world and engage it. -Prayer -Reading the Bible -Bible Study -Fasting -Thanksgiving -Repentence -Forgiveness -Solitude (being alone with God, it does not mean loneliness!) Spiritual Discipline is something we gonna have built into our life as it protects you when we impact the world! We dont have to be worried when challenges arise as God will be there in us to help us and to protect us (: People around us will be amazed! (: let us have the Spiritual Discipline as we go into our schools and change people's lives (: to carry the trumpet, and not just stop when EMERGE has ended but to continue to carry the fire of God within us :D WE ARE THE SALT AND LIGHT OF THE WORLD! :D falling on my knees in worship giving all i am to seek your face Lord, all i am is yours my whole life i place in your hands God of mercy humble i bow down at your presence in your throne i called, You answered and you came to my rescue and i wanna be where you are in my life, be lifted high in our world, be lifted high in our love, be lifted high -Hillsongs- Came To My Rescue. be blessed y'all! -kezia (:
Sunday, August 12, 2007 @ 11:46 PM
Hello everybody!!i know all of u have been blessed by A.R.Bernard's sermon so lets apply the word in our lives and get closer to the LORD!!ok, now let me see what i have done today...i studied for physicshad piano n got scolded for not practising XDhad maths tuition and thats bout it:))i m a gd girl today cos i didn't do anything bad :))and i will pray for all of u who r currently having exams n having super a lot of stress:))jus wanna encourage all of u to JIA YOU!! ok, gtg now. BB n have a great wk ahead:))arabelle=]
@ 11:39 PM
hello everybody!!! i know all of u have been blessed by the sermon on sat by A.R.Bernard:)) i jus wanna encourage all of u to apply the word into our lives and start getting closer to the LORD Lets be thankful for the LIFE that has been restored in us!! so lets start praying and welcoming the Holy Spirit everyday no matter how busy we are:)) arabelle:))
@ 10:47 PM
hi! okay i shall be the first to blog about my life=)) this is like my first post in any blog so ill make it a good one hahah feels weird talking to nobody but nvm =)today i went out with byje,daryl and aiwee to a library to study but of course we were like talking away hahah. actually we were supposed to meet byje at bugis after her church at 1 but she wanted to eat lunch with me so.. i met her at 12.40(i was late)and we went to check out the library first. ohya we got chased out ! quite pai sey! we waited for daryl for like an hour then we went to eat lunch. becos we had to whisper then when he called we were like super soft. hahah . we met daryl's friends there . i actually helped daryl do his hw but in the end he said no nid pass up=.= so the rest i was like drawing pictures on his papers =) i drew lots of giraffes! hahah. now i am studying super hard [ ohno! im going stressxP] so i want pray that GOD would help me in the tests coming up[arabelle too! ah we will grow white hair together man!] and also for my mother
cos shes feeling sick now and to cancel any curses the doctor had said bout her. -jeyun
Friday, August 3, 2007 @ 1:04 PM
The Kingdom of Heaven
Indeed, like what Pastor mike said.. we are to move with the Holy Spirit... and when we begin to move with the Holy Spirit.. we expose the works and activities of the devil.. and when we expose the works of the devil.. truely the kingdom of God has come.. wahaha... so let's us not be afraid to be moving with the Holy Spirit... in the gifts of the Spirit during Cell Group etc... for it is when we do so... exposes the works of the devil in one another's life... the kingdom of God has come!
@ 12:26 PM
Walk of Faith!
Hey... i was jus listening to this audio by Pastor Ulf... now i listening to it the 3rd time le... the message is just so good... he is teaching about the amazing grace of God.. you know ALL of us have got calling etc... but somehow through time and as the world changes and the surrounding change... we will slowly lose sght of our caling... and sometimes even end up doing other things instead... the devil will place errors and deceptions in our lives... to slow us down or even stop us from going after the call of God in our lives... the word of God is a pre-eminence in our lives.. if the devill can twist or altar the word of God in our life, it will affect the fibres of our salvation... "Somethings that the Lord will give us that just does NOT change! the word of God in our lives, our salvation is settled once and for all" -Pastor Ulf we may have started well but if we continue in errors then we will not end well.. so we got to watch ourselves so that we will be able to end well with the Lord... the call of God may not tell u the whole things of what u will go thru or where u may end up at... but we are to walk in faith... just like Abraham... the fahter of our faith... he was called out of his own land... to a place where he does not know... at the age of 75, he brought all his sheeps, treasure, family, everything... and left to a place he does not know... when the servant ask, where are we going? Abraham: don't know... to a promise land, a wonderful place... Servant: where is that? Abraham: don't know... to the servants, do they not think that he is mad? but yet this is the kind of faith we are to have... the kind of trust, knowing that the Lord will guide despite of the circumstances and what is before him.. sometimes we do not nee to know EVERYTHING about our calling in order to follow... all we need is the faith in God and His word in our lives...
Wednesday, August 1, 2007 @ 7:52 PM
deliverence service
IT WAS IMPACTFULit was my first time going for deliverance service and i must say that it was impactful,we may seem sinless on the outside but if that is what you think on the inside you gotta think again! ON Saturday presence of god touched many lives including me,the service was great,pastor mike preached the sermon about unclean spirits like generational curse,idolatry,spiritisim,personal habitual sin,sexual sin,rejection,abusive or controlling relationships,trauma or accidents and abortion.All of these are dangerous as they can open your heart to demons unknowingly,so how do we keep them out from our lives?,GO FOR MORE DELIVERENCE SERVICE,ha ha,kidding onli,i mean if tat happens we would be like super busy,but in james 4:7-8,verse7 says that in my version ncv(new century version) it says that''so give yourselves completely to GOD,Stand against the devil,and the devil will run to you.verse 8 COME NEAR TO GOD,and god will come near to you.you who are trying to follow God and the world at the same time,make your thinking pure.''ok so here are four steps 1)recognize and take responsibility for your life 2)renounce 3)release forgiveness 4)resist the devil simple eh?to me not so temptations are so great but i know that when we repent GOD will wash us as white as snow:)ok as i was talking about the service:) the devil was weak during the service presence of God was to overpowerful that when pastor asked us to repeat after him in a prayer the demon MENIFESTED his power when all the sot,cell leaders,zone leaders,pastors laid hands on the people,screams could be heard every where but the presence of god was working in the leaders and when they shouted the demon to get out some relaxed but most vommited.it may seem bad but its a good thing cuz the devil was fighting a losing battle against the lord and when we vommit it symbolizes tat the devil has fleed or when the person has stopped menifesting it means that the devil has fleed:),so then pastor mike laid hands on some ppl who were opened their hearts to the lord to recieve forgiveness,but u got to remember 1 thing that the lord loves you till an extent that HE is willing to forgive your sins wether big or small, BUT TO ME SUNDAY WAS THE BEST,TO me that deliverence service was amazing as usual he will pray for the ppl leaders lay hands and all that but presence of GOD was stronger,GOD was moving mightly,that pastor mike wlked around the hall laying hands,when he walked towards me i was abit nervous but then i noe that the devil was weak so i close my eyes and lift up my hand ''DEMON LOSE,LOSE''touched,fell,annoiting,Amazing eh,but that was not all after pastor mike left,pastor derick asked us to worship and recieve the annoiting of God,when suddenly before he said anything ppl fell and there was holy laughter,then all of a sudden he said ''TOUCH''annoiting of god made some of the ppl fell then he breathed out ppl fell,ANNOITING WAS SO STRONG,then he walked around and laid hands on the people,it was amazing,even if u read this it may be exciting but when you go to the house of the LORD its amazing! hallelujah !--wesley